...Treaty of Paris, December 10, 1898 -- "A Cause for Indignation" ...                                                                                                       ...Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948 -- "A Cause for Celebration" ...

 'Demands of Dignity'

'Demands of Dignity'



      On-Line Edition of the Book by Ed Aurelio C. Reyes    

 Epilogue-- Demands of Dignity 






UDHR '48: A Cause for Celebration

TP '98: A Cause for Indignation

Decade-old Document Dissected


Response to the Spanish Response


Response to the American Non-Response


Demands of Dignity 

'Running one One Foot'

Wrongs Have to be Righted

Developing the Discourse from Our Declaration

Let's Run Together, Each on Both Feet



"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed Dec. 10, 1948, has been a cause of celebration, and the Treaty of Paris, signed Dec. 10, 1898, has been a cause for indignation...   on the part of ALL  HUMANS."


"The HUMANITY of ALL is ONE!  Assaults on the Rights of a human anywhere are assaults on the rights of all humans everywhere."


"The current Human Evolutionary Imperative is attaining Synergy in Conscious Oneness."


"We demand apologies not to uphold our national dignity, but to give the offenders the opportunity to uphold theirs."


"Demands for Human Dignity come from within Human Dignity itself."


"We seek redress, closure and healing...  Since the governments involved and the international organizations that depend on the consent of governments cannot be expected to support these calls or accord them any serious attention, we are calling upon the citizens of these and other nations, on the citizenry of the world."


"One of the factors underpinning the habit of trying to hide or mangle the truth is the illusion that facts hidden well enough as secrets can stay as such forever. Another is the illusion that you can harm your fellow-humans without harming yourself."


"Inevitably, eventually and ultimately, all wrongs cry out to be fully acknowledged, regretted, and set aright. Your peace of mind now and in the future demands it. Your very dignity demands it."


"Smile for Synergy! Seek One Humanity!"



Introductory Essay by Bernard Karganilla, Kamalaysayan chair

Introduction: Campaigning for Deeper, Broader Discourse

CHAPTERS: Introduction  Ch.1  Ch.2  Ch.3  Ch.4  Ch.5 Epilogue

Bibliography    Alphabetical Index    Publication Information

The Author: Ed Aurelio Reyes    The Publisher: Kamalaysayan   




Demands of Dignity

IT IS NOT this humble author, no more than a mere articulator, nor this book, that is issuing the demands for the sake of human dignity.  The demands for broader acknowledgment and sincere apologies do not even ultimately come from the Filipino people whose experiences across half a millennium do contribute to the treasure trove of bases from which should emerge a growing measure of collective maturity of the human race. 

The demands for upholding human dignity come from deep within human dignity itself.

They cry out from deep within our hearts and minds as human hearts and minds. The most this book could try to achieve was to issue reminders. If there were no United Nations adopting and promulgating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, as reminders, some other group or groups of people with different sets of profiles and circumstances would have done something like that, anyway.

This is not to diminish the importance of that historic work done by the people behind the actual crafting and adoption of the UDHR. This is just to emphasize the incessant energy emanating from deep within the innermost wisdom of the human that renders inevitable the unified articulation and, to follow this, the unified praxis of recognizing human rights appropriate for full enjoyment by all human beings for the simple unqualified reason that they, we, are human beings.

If the human's "sapiens" claim is to be validated at all, the UDHR was bound to come out sooner or later, in that form or another.

'Running on One Foot'

One of the mentioned distinctions of the human species from the members of the so-called "lower animals" is self-consciousness.

That human discernment had already evolved enough to attain the capability to distinguish the self is already remarkable as an achievement.  However, it was apparently just a step of only one foot out of a pair of steps to be made by a pair of feet.  Since that time, the Human has been running on one foot!

We have learned distinction but we have either not yet learned, or we have forgotten completely, the supposed twin to complete the consciousness of distinction.  That is full awareness, full consciousness, of commonality, of oneness. We have come to develop self-consciousness but only to the very limited extent of knowing only a very small self, the myself kind of self.

For whatever we can credit our bodies' individual cells for possession of intelligence, starting with the DNA that stores the entire histories of the species and of its predecessors, and knowing how to react to various stimuli the very first time they encounter these, we don't know of these cells behaving as if they were separate organisms. While the human brain has had to grapple with memorized rules of the English grammar and end up always insisting that the word "ourself" is wrong, our bodies' cells actually live what can only be a concept to our brains. Well, we do have to give our brains enough time to learn this well enough to be instinctive in predisposed and consistent behavior.

This writer wonders whether our individual bodies' cells would even "think" of telling lies, playing tricks, putting one over one another. Or is that kind of behavior suitable only for that self-proclaimed "sapiens" species that has been "running on one foot" along this path of evolution?

Humans have long had this futile habit of keeping big secrets from one another, confident that "it works."  It does not.

Wrongs Have to be Righted

One of the factors underpinning this habit of trying to mangle and hide the truth is the illusion that facts hidden well enough as secrets would stay as such. Another is the illusion that you can harm your fellow-humans without harming yourself.

Light of Truth can never die, even if it is banished for a long time to vanish in pitch darkness of intended oblivion.  It remains alive to intermittently or incessantly whisper or even shout out from behind your eardrums, with sparks of light that inevitably prick to severe discomfort your otherwise peaceful mind.  It even bursts into many rays that refuse to be pushed back and locked in the darkness of secrecy, denial and oblivion.

Widows cannot forget that they had lost their spouses, and orphans know that they had lost their parents. Families and communities pass on the facts and their circumstances to descendants for centuries. Burnt homes leave not only scars on the ground; they sear much deeper scars in the "collective soul."  And the soul remembers forever.

The Light of Truth on this continues to forever whisper, at times wail aloud, deep within your ears, until you decide to forego the self-defeating momentary convenience of distracting and denying, until you finally surrender to this truth known well only by all the really wise:

Inevitably, eventually, and ultimately, all wrongs will have to be fully acknowledged, regretted, and set aright. Your peace of mind now and in the future demands it; your very dignity demands it.

You do not dishonor your victims by fooling them, by torturing them, by killing them -- you dishonor only yourselves, even as you pass on to your descendants the indelible bloodstains on your hands, that they would pass on to theirs, until one of them decides to end the passing of horrible heritage. Will is crucial; it can even overpower the fear of truth and the arrogance of hypocrisy.

While many people have to be reminded not to wallow in their own guilt and be paralyzed by it, many others seek to hide and deny their grave misdeeds, pretending to stand on the moral high ground, assuring themselves that their own "clean" self-image is believed by many just because many have reason to pretend to believe it.

Developing the Discourse from our Declaration

The 1998 Philippine Declaration deserves deeper and wider discussions on all matters relevant to our demand for apologies from Spain and the United States. The author was able to collate very limited data for this book. The further research and collation, wider disclosure, further discussion and deeper evaluation of facts are all parts of the needed process. The disclosure and circulation of more facts, previously published or otherwise, would be a desired continuation of this process.

This discourse will hopefully cause many conferences to be called, and much new material and viewpoints to be published as books or pamphlets or as Internet postings like well-circulated e-mail messages.

New organizations or institutions may even emerge, and existing ones may decide to undertake, the more energetic encouragement and the more efficient facilitation of this entire process. Hopefully, at least some of the grievances will be rightfully redressed.

And, of course, consistent with the human evolution framework upon which this entire proposal is based, the discourse on the Demands of Dignity, on the content and applications of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its resulting documents, and on the premises, content and consequences of the Treaty of Paris, should be both fair and unifying for all peoples in the entire human race.

We could not and still cannot realistically expect the governments of Spain and the United States to issue the apologies that we legitimately demand. Much less sincerely offer restitution for the historic debts they have inherited from their ascendants.

 So, our 1998 Declaration issued calls for their respective citizenries to offer their best equivalents of these as their free and informed choice on what is in order for them to do. The Spanish and American citizens all have the right to know what had exactly transpired in our joint histories. This will be a great help to these peoples to gradually acquire the determination and capability to compel their respective governments to do 

Indelible scars have been wrought by Spanish colonial rule and the continuing American domination on our people and on our land, and the contemporary Filipino people also have the right, even duty, to know these fully, and many actually do know these at least in broad strokes. 

Such historical knowledge would be crucial in attaining Kaganapang Bagumbayan 2021, the full decolonization at least of the consciousness of the peoples of the Philippines before that year, half a millennium after the first Spanish attempt to colonize the archipelago.

Why is full disclosure and discussion of the facts necessary for real redress, closure and healing from our experience of colonization? Because only in an atmosphere of full disclosure of the truth can sincere apologies and sincere forgiving possible and significant.  Ignorance is bliss only in the eyes of the blissfully ignorant. 

Thus, the call for full disclosure and discourse is being issued to the peoples and governments of all nationalities around the world. After all, attacks on the human rights of the peoples of the Philippines or of any other peoples of the world are assaults on the dignity of Humanity. 

This entire exercise, this proposed deep and wide-scale discourse on the Demands of Dignity, as well as all similar undertakings on other similar matters of continuing historical import, should serve well the Collective Dignity of Humankind. Collectivity of dignity for all humans everywhere and everywhen is the very essence of human dignity as a reality. 

Well beyond mouthing this, we can actually live it fully.  And it has to be lived fully because it is pointless to live it just partially.  But we have been doing this, as a passing stage in our path of evolution toward being fully human, where the step to be taken is no longer biological change but a broadening of consciousness — to be human together!   

Let's Run Together, Each on Both Feet

Can that be achieved? On October 24, 2007, the 62nd founding anniversary of the United Nations, a Philippine-based organization that was then called SYCONE-International issued a statement, titled, "When We Have Evolved Enough to Really Live Our Oneness, Then We Shall Have Become Fully Human!"  Signed by this author and American teammate Donald Goertzen, both of us being the initiators and spokespersons of SYCONE, the statement said:

"When we have learned to view the world, with both eyes, then we can finally learn to respect, value and combine a plurality of varied viewpoints. With only one viewpoint, we see the world flat, but with both eyes seeing differently we see the world in its three-dimensional beauty. 

"When we have finally learned to emulate the Native Americans — and other people of the earth — then we might humbly desist from claiming to know another’s life until after we have walked a mile in that one’s moccasins.  We can expand the human capability to learn from one another’s life experience, including our capability for full compassion and wisdom about life on earth. In that way we might be able to make decisions beneficial to the lives of our fellow humans.

"When we have finally discovered that our individual selves go well beyond our skin, we can finally discern as “at least possible” our deep unconditional connectedness, and we will draw ever closer to knowing fully well our oneness in spirit.

"When we have finally started heeding the Prophet Isaiah’s call to 'beat (our) swords into ploughshares and (our) spears into pruning hooks,' we can finally see human society evolved past the violent hunting stage of development that was centered on weapons, and well into the peaceful stage of agriculture where ploughshares mattered much more. Then we can move on to validate with enough collective maturity all our technologies and knowledge and make them fully useful in the service of the human and other species.

"When we have finally learned to strongly uphold the discernment that warriors on both contending sides are really on one side, multitudes will no longer goad their respective chosen sides to hate the other side, or even allow themselves to do the same.  We will thus stop energizing wars, violence, and hatred with the separative passions transmitted together from within our hearts.

"When we have finally ceased all mind-sets and practices that restrict human development and erect walls of division among people, we can finally begin to experience and enjoy full human development and real human harmony, where human development results in more human harmony, and where human harmony spurs more human development.

"When we have finally discovered our oneness in receiving our sustenance from the unified Lifeweb of Nature, we can at last shatter the powerful illusions of scarcity from which all greed ultimately comes, and start enjoying together the reality of abundance for every single one’s need.

"When we have finally learned to stand together as one human race before the rest of the bio-diverse citizens and elements of our living planet Gaia, to take full responsibility for past and present environmental destruction, and to lovingly commit a conscious synergy of efforts, we can actually rescue and heal, conserve and exalt, our planet and insure our collective survival.

"Today, October 24, 2007, the 62nd anniversary of the United Nations, we of Sycone International, pursuing the attainment of Synergy in Conscious Oneness (“sycone”), solemnly salute the United Nations with all its conferential bodies and service instrumentalities, the United Religions Initiative with all its coordinative bodies and cooperating circles around the world, Byakko and all the participants in its symphonies of prayers for peace, the Humanist Movement all over the world, as well as all of the spiritually-unified multitudes of other similar international, national and local organizations, instrumentalities and actions of all groupings and individuals of humans performing their respective roles of choice and ability in moving Humankind forward to the next stage of evolution, the stage of Conscious Oneness and Real Peace.

"We also seek help from all willing hearts and hands in various continents, countries and localities to help us sow far and wide the seeds of light of Sycone, for the current imperative of Human Evolution – the attainment of the collective state of Conscious Oneness, knowing and living the truth that 'The Humanity of All is One'."

This message was circulated mainly through the Internet via the e-mails directory and the website of SYCONE. Hard copies were distributed among the participants of a regional conference convened a week later in Colombo, Sri Lanka by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with this writer as one of the paper presentors. The statement was well received.

This author prays that this book, Demands of Dignity, would also be.  For the sake of the cause it seeks to help advance...

For the sake of Humanity.



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of Dignity


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