... ...Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948 -- "A Cause for Celebration" ... 'Demands of Dignity' 'Demands of Dignity' <DEVELOPING THE DISCOURSE ON OUR DECEMBER 1Oth DECLARATION>
On-Line Edition of the Book by Ed Aurelio C. Reyes OPENING WINDOW |
'Demands of Dignity' by Ed Aurelio C. Reyes, 2008
Predecessor Documents The International Criminal Court The Rights of Peoples Human Rights & Peace: Intertwined Advocacies Human Rights Work Spans Centuries Celebrating While Working Harder Appendix 1-A: Text of UDHR Appendix 2-B: Text of UDRP
Motive and Conduct of US War with Spain Conditions in the Philippines Early American Deception Mock Battle and its Aftermath More Duplicity Aug. 13: Historic Date Between Centuries Negotiating and Signing the Treaty Reactions to Signed Treaty US Domestic Moves for Ratification Precarious Vote Ratifies Pact App 2-A:
Text of
Treaty of Paris, 1898 App 2-B:
to Enforce the Sale
the Two Documents Our
Decade-old 1998 Declaration Dissecting
the Demands Demanding
Apologies from the US (10 reasons) Demanding
Apologies from Spain (2 reasons) Appendix
Text of A Philippine Declaration of Felicitation and Protest, 1998 App
3-B: List of 300+ signatories App 3-C: Unreal Estate: Map of Fraudulent Sale Response
to the Spanish Response Response from Madrid’s Envoy Almost an
Apology, But… Review of Rizal’s Critiques Needed Closer
Familiarity for Closer Friendship How to Serve One’s Honor Best App 4-A: Text of Response from Spain’s Envoy App. 4-B: Life at the start of Spanish Rule Response to the American Non-Response Elaborating on a Parody Two Myths Among Filipinos About Americans America’s Long Double-Bladed History Clueless About Global Resentment A New Hope (End Notes) App 5-A: Open Letter to the American
People App 5-B: Dear Whites, I Am No Racist! App 5-C: Mark Twain's 'The War Prayer' Demands of Dignity Running on One Foot Wrongs Cry Out to be Righted Developing the Discourse from Our Declaration Seek One Humanity!
'Demands of Dignity' by Ed Aurelio C. Reyes, 2008
EXCERPTS: -o0o- "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed Dec. 10, 1948, has been a cause of celebration, and the Treaty of Paris, signed Dec. 10, 1898, has been a cause for indignation... on the part of ALL HUMANS." -o0o- "The HUMANITY of ALL is ONE! Assaults on the Rights of a human anywhere are assaults on the rights of all humans everywhere." -o0o- "The current Human Evolutionary Imperative is attaining Synergy in Conscious Oneness." -o0o- "We demand apologies not to uphold our national dignity, but to give the offenders the opportunity to uphold theirs." -o0o- "Demands for Human Dignity come from within Human Dignity itself." -o0o- "We seek redress, closure and healing... Since the governments involved and the international organizations that depend on the consent of governments cannot be expected to support these calls or accord them any serious attention, we are calling upon the citizens of these and other nations, on the citizenry of the world." -o0o- "One of the factors underpinning the habit of trying to hide or mangle the truth is the illusion that facts hidden well enough as secrets can stay as such forever. Another is the illusion that you can harm your fellow-humans without harming yourself." -o0o- "Inevitably, eventually and ultimately, all wrongs cry out to be fully acknowledged, regretted, and set aright. Your peace of mind now and in the future demands it. Your very dignity demands it." -o0o- "Smile for Synergy! Seek One Humanity!"
The e-Book
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Edition of DEMANDS
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under the "Announcements" on the near-right column.
We do not expect you to enjoy reading this book, because even as the first
chapter rejoices at the articulations of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (of December 10, 1948) as "a cause for
celebration," it also treats in detail the premises, circumstances,
consequences and continuing implications of the Treaty of Paris
(of December 10, 1898) as "a cause of indignation" among all
humans conscious of human dignity.
We welcome all suggestions to improve the organization and presentation of
this web site for better user-friendliness. But more than that, we seek
for comments that would start the discourse ball rolling on the topics of
this e-Book and continually enrich it with contributed facts and views.
Does the Filipino nation, for example, have reason to demand apologies
from Spain and the United States for the sale that was the Treaty of Paris
of "Four score and thirty years ago..."?
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ANNOUNCEMENTS: Demands of Dignity THE HARDCOPY EDITION, in about 180 regular sized bookpaper pages with full-color paperback cover FREE ACCESS FOR ALL to the ON-LINE EDITION until February. 4, 2009, 110th Anni- versary of the Fil-Am War. |